September 20, 2024
Open window for investment
In order to facilitate foreign investment and contribute to economic growth, the government of the Dominican Republic has put in place an “Open Window for Investment,” an innovative method that will facilitate the issuance of permits, licenses and certifications to all those interested in investment opportunities in the DR. The “Open Window” system is operated by the Dominican Republic’s Export [...]


In order to facilitate foreign investment and contribute to economic growth, the government of the Dominican Republic has put in place an “Open Window for Investment,” an innovative method that will facilitate the issuance of permits, licenses and certifications to all those interested in investment opportunities in the DR.

The “Open Window” system is operated by the Dominican Republic’s Export and Investment Center (CEI-RD).

The new system centralizes all tourism-oriented investment in one place, and promises to issue all necessary permits and licenses in a four-month period. For more information, please visit:

The inter-institutional connection contributes to a more transparent, reliable and comprehensive system.