September 21, 2024
Nonlethal Bullfighting in El Seibo province, unique entertainment in the Caribbean
El Seibo Province, situated in the country’s northeast section, was founded in 1512. During the colonial period it was the second largest settlement on the island, after Santo Domingo. At one point it was the country’s largest province but, through the years, it was subdivided giving way to the creation of other provinces. Although today the province is not included [...]

El Seibo Province, situated in the country’s northeast section, was founded in 1512.

During the colonial period it was the second largest settlement on the island, after Santo Domingo.

At one point it was the country’s largest province but, through the years, it was subdivided giving way to the creation of other provinces.

Although today the province is not included in the traditional tourism routes, it is still a popular destination for those who want to experience, first hand, authentic Dominican traditions.

Its colonial church, built in 1775, is perhaps one of the country’s most beautiful structures. But perhaps what sets this province apart from all others in the Dominican Republic is its bullfighting tradition. Today, bullfighting in the Caribbean is only found in El Seibo.

Near the church is where the battle of “Palo Hincado” took place, the battle that eventually ended French domination of the island. Another beautiful spot to visit is the Seibo River, where visitors can enjoy a refreshing dip in its crystal-clear waters.

Bullfighting in El Seibo (Nonlethal)

Perhaps the most distinguishing characteristic of El Seibo is its bullfighting tradition.

The bullfights in El Seibo are the only ones that take place in the entire Caribbean region. They are traditionally held in the month of May.

In these local bullfights the bulls are not sacrificed. The “toreador,” of bullfighter, will only “wear out” the bull. Also featured during the May festivals are the beautiful horses raised in the region.

Adolfo López
Environmental Consultant