September 20, 2024
Auto Draft
Santo Domingo, DR

During a tour carried out by journalists from this newspaper through the main streets and avenues of the capital, a large number of puddles were observed on the roads.

This situation has disrupted traffic and free access to businesses in the central perimeter of the National District, where several routes were practically flooded by the downpours that occurred on Sunday morning.

Important sections of avenues such as Independencia, 27 de Febrero, Ortega y Gasset, Gregorio Luperón, and John F. Kennedy, among others, were transformed into enormous “lakes” that made it difficult for several hours for the regular movement of traffic to the point that, in some cases, dozens of drivers of small vehicles had to look for alternative routes to prevent their vehicles from being stranded in the middle of the waters.

As happens every time it rains, motorists and pedestrians are some of the most affected under these weather conditions. People jumping in puddles as “Olympic jump athletes” to be able to continue with their usual routines were captured by the cameras of this newspaper.

In a section of Avenida 27 de Febrero, a citizen stopped to “take out” the garbage that formed a large hill over the sewerage system, preventing the free circulation of water.

The National Meteorology Office recommended caution to drivers due to rain forecasts. Thirteen provinces are on alert for downpours, six in yellow and seven in green. The water accumulation caused problems that affected kilometer 22 of the Duarte highway, where Public Works brigades intervened.