September 19, 2024
Efforts continue to try to get the population vaccinated
Santo Domingo, DR Seeing a low flow in the fixed vaccination centers, it was probably thought that the inoculation process would end. Still, the reality is that various initiatives continue to be carried out so that the population can complete their scheme against Covid-19, including within these the home vaccination. Dr. Jesús Suardí, director of Area IV of Health, explained how the house-to-house vaccination is carried out in the area where he is in charge. This project began in September of last year and consists of carrying out vaccine operations against Covid with 21 brigades that travel day by day to the different sectors of the area, such as Villa Juana and Cristo Rey. According to Suardí, February was a month when “they got worse” since then, around 3,053 homes
Santo Domingo, DR

Seeing a low flow in the fixed vaccination centers, it was probably thought that the inoculation process would end. Still, the reality is that various initiatives continue to be carried out so that the population can complete their scheme against Covid-19, including within these the home vaccination.

Dr. Jesús Suardí, director of Area IV of Health, explained how the house-to-house vaccination is carried out in the area where he is in charge.

This project began in September of last year and consists of carrying out vaccine operations against Covid with 21 brigades that travel day by day to the different sectors of the area, such as Villa Juana and Cristo Rey.

According to Suardí, February was a month when “they got worse” since then, around 3,053 homes have been visited in the 15 neighborhoods that make up this area, from La Ciénaga to Villa Consuelo. Similarly, as of February 7, they have approximately 3,379 vaccinations to date.

The vaccination day at home is carried out mainly because the population lost interest in the doses.