September 20, 2024
Despite increase in Covid-infected patients, hospitalization decreases

Santiago, DR
Admissions due to Covid-19 are increasing moderately in the health care centers of this city of Santiago, where yesterday there were only three in public hospitals, but a higher number in private hospitals.

The provincial director of Health, Virgilio Gutiérrez, warned that the public and private centers have drastically reduced the number of beds available for patients with the virus so that the percentages can generate a false perception.

The official indicated that if there is undoubtedly an increase in the number of infections as it is happening in the country, the level of hospitalization is significantly reduced. For this reason, in all the private clinics in Santiago, there are only 105 beds available.

Gutiérrez expressed that the level of hospitalization in the private centers is close to 50 percent, but with such a reduced number of beds, the admissions are minimal.

“There is a clinic that barely has 16 beds to attend Covid cases and today it has 15 patients admitted, almost one hundred percent, but this is due to the scarce availability of beds to attend this disease”, said the official.

He said that of those admitted, almost all of whom are in private centers, nobody is in intensive care or assisted respiration since the high levels of vaccination determine that the disease affects people less intensely.

The provincial director of Health expressed that the number of people vaccinated with at least two doses in Santiago is close to 70 percent, and the vaccination and testing centers are still operating.

Santiago, DR
Admissions due to Covid-19 are increasing moderately in the health care centers of this city of Santiago, where yesterday there were only three in public hospitals, but a higher number in private hospitals.

The provincial director of Health, Virgilio Gutiérrez, warned that the public and private centers have drastically reduced the number of beds available for patients with the virus so that the percentages can generate a false perception.

The official indicated that if there is undoubtedly an increase in the number of infections as it is happening in the country, the level of hospitalization is significantly reduced. For this reason, in all the private clinics in Santiago, there are only 105 beds available.

Gutiérrez expressed that the level of hospitalization in the private centers is close to 50 percent, but with such a reduced number of beds, the admissions are minimal.

“There is a clinic that barely has 16 beds to attend Covid cases and today it has 15 patients admitted, almost one hundred percent, but this is due to the scarce availability of beds to attend this disease”, said the official.

He said that of those admitted, almost all of whom are in private centers, nobody is in intensive care or assisted respiration since the high levels of vaccination determine that the disease affects people less intensely.

The provincial director of Health expressed that the number of people vaccinated with at least two doses in Santiago is close to 70 percent, and the vaccination and testing centers are still operating.