September 20, 2024
COVID-19 punishes the Duarte province; increases 39 dead

In the DR there are 859 infected; most in the Great Sto. Dgo., Santiago and Duarte; says the local mortality rate is 4.5% The Duarte province continues to be the most punished in the expansion of the coronavirus in the Dominican Republic, where eight new deaths were reported yesterday, for a total of 21 and […]

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In the DR there are 859 infected; most in the Great Sto. Dgo., Santiago and Duarte; says the local mortality rate is 4.5%

The Duarte province continues to be the most punished in the expansion of the coronavirus in the Dominican Republic, where eight new deaths were reported yesterday, for a total of 21 and 83 infected people in that area.

This was reported by the Minister of Health, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, in the presentation of the epidemiological bulletin until March 28, where the cases increased to 859 and 39 deaths in total. The other deaths reported yesterday were one in the National District, one in San Pedro and one in Greater Santo Domingo.

He explained that the average age of deaths is sixty years, 29 of 39. Of those infected, the Minister stressed that 131 are in hospital isolation, 686 in home isolation and three received medical discharge.

“At the National Police Hospital we have five patients in intensive care units, many of them with previously established pathologies, all patients, including those in intensive care, remain generally stable.
Likewise with the patients at the Ramón de Lara Hospital where a new patient died yesterday morning, “he explained. When approached about the figures in the country, in relation to the countries of the region, he admitted that in the province that contagion began as a community, (Duarte), “the sanitary facilities of the province are not the best to give responses to the lawsuit that has been filed and that most of the deaths are over sixty years with comorbidities established following the international pattern. ”

He maintained that in the Duarte province 18 cases increased in relation to the previous bulletin, as a result of the intervention that has been done house to house. “The sweeping that is being done in the population will experience a momentary rise, and that we can establish in a short time a measure of the impact that in such a short time cannot be experienced, but I would say that after a week we will have a table of the behavior of these measures, ”he argued.

On the other hand, Sáchez Cárdenas confirmed that a seven-month-old baby and two other children between one and two years of age have tested positive for the coronavirus in the country.

They will take measures for speculation

Sánchez Cardenas announced that they will take all the necessary regulations and restrictions to control the speculation situation that is affecting the national health system at the moment.

“The speculation started a long time ago and is creating a shortage, even, of masks as you know,” said the official. In this sense, he revealed that he will request the National Commission to allow a company in the country’s free zone to supply the entire market, so that anyone, cheaply, can acquire masks for their own protection.

He said that measures like these will allow to control the abuse that is occurring, not only with masks, but with all kinds of products that are being marketed in the Caribbean country.

Warn protocol reference

The Ministry of Public Health made a call to the Clinical Laboratory Reference to “accept the mandatory report” in the terms that the protocol has indicated. He warned that the non-acceptance of this indication will imply the taking of sanctions that will be immediately next week.

Medical Societies

The Dominican Medical College (CMD) and fifty-five specialized medical societies asked Public Health and the Government to implement the mandatory quarantine for fourteen days, due to the exponential increase in cases of coronavirus and the number of deaths that have been registered in the country.

“The specialized medical societies and the CMD reiterate to the President of the Republic this logical, professional and academic call. Furthermore, they remind the President that life has more value and is above any national economic situation. What it is about now is to preserve the life of Dominicans, no matter how great the sacrifice, ”maintains the statement where the unions indicated that the total quarantine has become a national claim.

Claims mortality is 4.5%

The Patria Para Todos movement said that the latest Public Health report reveals that the COVID-19 trend is that every 4 to 5 days the number of cases will be doubled, so by April 13 the number of infected would be 22,000.

Dr. Fulgencio Severino, coordinator of the MPT, observed that with 39 deaths the mortality rate in the country is 4.5%, the highest in Latin America.

“As for the infected diagnosed that add up to 859, it places us in 78th place in the world and shows the growing rate of contagion that the country is experiencing,” he said.

SFM merchants demand massive testing
Organizations from San Francisco de Macorís and the Northeast Region, demanded that massive tests of the coronavirus COVID-19 be carried out effectively and quickly in order to classify suspected people as soon as possible, and thus bring tranquility to this city whose percentage of deaths as a result of the disease is increasing causing its citizens to live in an environment of permanent panic and uncertainty.

SNS appoints 627 new collaborators

In less than a week, the National Health Service appointed 627 new collaborators and continues to hire staff daily to strengthen the care offered in health centers to COVID-19 cases.

The designations include 161 general practitioners and specialists in areas related to pandemic care, such as pulmonologists, infectious diseases, emergency medicine, internists, and intensivists.

The post COVID-19 punishes the Duarte province; increases 39 dead appeared first on Dominican Republic News.