September 19, 2024
Cable car will not run at Easter due to maintenance work
Santo Domingo, DR

The Office for the Reorganization of Transport (OPRET) informed the Santo Domingo Cable Car users that service would be suspended from Saturday 9 to Sunday 17 April due to the scheduled maintenance work carried out on sections 1 and 2.

The maintenance day is carried out to take advantage of the days off during Holy Week, where less passenger flow is expected.

In this sense, the institution indicated that it had provided an alternative bus service from the Metropolitan Office of Bus Services (OMSA) at no additional cost and during the same operating hours as the Cable Car.

Passengers from the Los Tres Brazos station will be transported to the Ercilia Pepín Metro station and vice versa by bus from the OMSA.

Meanwhile, passengers from the Charles de Gaulle and Sabana Perdida stations will be transported to the Rosa Duarte Metro station and vice versa by OMSA bus.

Although the Cable Car will be out of service, the entity has deployed a user service staff to inform and assist citizens during those days.

Santo Domingo, DR

The Office for the Reorganization of Transport (OPRET) informed the Santo Domingo Cable Car users that service would be suspended from Saturday 9 to Sunday 17 April due to the scheduled maintenance work carried out on sections 1 and 2.

The maintenance day is carried out to take advantage of the days off during Holy Week, where less passenger flow is expected.

In this sense, the institution indicated that it had provided an alternative bus service from the Metropolitan Office of Bus Services (OMSA) at no additional cost and during the same operating hours as the Cable Car.

Passengers from the Los Tres Brazos station will be transported to the Ercilia Pepín Metro station and vice versa by bus from the OMSA.

Meanwhile, passengers from the Charles de Gaulle and Sabana Perdida stations will be transported to the Rosa Duarte Metro station and vice versa by OMSA bus.

Although the Cable Car will be out of service, the entity has deployed a user service staff to inform and assist citizens during those days.