September 18, 2024
Medina extends state of emergency for 17 days
Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Mon. extended the state of emergency throughout the national territory for 17 days starting Tuesday the 14th, after being approved by Congress to deal with the coronavirus. The extended state of emergency comes amid 177 deaths from coronavirus and 3,167 positive cases reported across the country. The provision is in executive order 148-20, issued Monday and takes effect from Tuesday morning.

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Mon. extended the state of emergency throughout the national territory for 17 days starting Tuesday the 14th, after being approved by Congress to deal with the coronavirus.

The extended state of emergency comes amid 177 deaths from coronavirus and 3,167 positive cases reported across the country.

The provision is in executive order 148-20, issued Monday and takes effect from Tuesday morning.