September 20, 2024
Nine killed by COVID-19 in San Francisco de Macorís, DR

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. DR outnumbers LA countries in confirmed cases; the District, Santiago, Santo Domingo, Duarte and San Pedro de Macorís concentrate the majority With the death of the journalist Pedro Fernández, the number of Franco-corisanos who died in recent hours as a result of COVID-19 rose to nine. At yesterday’s press conference, the […]

The post Nine killed by COVID-19 in San Francisco de Macorís, DR appeared first on Dominican Republic News.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. DR outnumbers LA countries in confirmed cases; the District, Santiago, Santo Domingo, Duarte and San Pedro de Macorís concentrate the majority

With the death of the journalist Pedro Fernández, the number of Franco-corisanos who died in recent hours as a result of COVID-19 rose to nine.

At yesterday’s press conference, the Minister of Public Health, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, said that there were only four people dead in the municipality, but an hour after that information, the communicator Pedro Fernández died, thus raising the total number of deaths to nine.

Pedro Fernández had been admitted to the Santiago Metropolitan Hospital (Homs), with respiratory difficulties, but later he was positive for coronavirus.

Fernández’s lifeless body was handed over yesterday to his relatives to bury the pantheon of journalists in the Getsemaní cemetery on the San Francisco-Villa Tapia highway.

The death of the agricultural engineer Marcelino Peña, who was an Idecoop official, and of José Ariel Arias, who would have tested positive for COVID-19, were also reported yesterday.

The names of the other people who have died have not been released by the Ministry of Public Health, but their relatives have been in charge of giving the information.


With the death of these people, the population lives in a state of recollection and fear, because people everywhere comment that a relative or friend died, and they do not know if it was from COVID-19.

The problem with coronavirus has become difficult for francomacorisanos, since in private clinics they no longer accept patients with symptoms of the disease. Only the public hospital San Vicente de Paul receives patients.

In the San Vicente de Paúl hospital, they set up an area to treat patients with symptoms of the disease, and they are not agreeing to consult other types of clinical needs, which makes the situation more difficult for the poor. positive found Bishop Fausto Ramón Mejía Vallejo, Mayor-elect Siquió Ng de la Rosa; the governor of the province Luis Núñez Pantaleón, doctor Ramón Morisette, and yesterday afternoon in the communicators Vladimir Paula and his wife Idalmi Arias. Both work at the television company Telenord.

DR cases are on the rise

With 96 new positive cases of coronavirus in 24 hours, reaching a total of 488, the Dominican Republic continued yesterday on the ascending scale of the pandemic, placing itself among the countries with the highest number of cases in the Americas region.
According to the latest infection statistics, the country surpasses nations such as Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Haiti, among others.

At the territorial level, the National District, Santiago, the Santo Domingo province, Duarte and San Pedro de Macorís, currently concentrate the largest number of registered cases, according to yesterday the Minister of Public Health, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, who noted that in the specific case of the municipality of San Francisco de Macorís, together with the National Health Service (SNS), the Civil Defense, the Armed Forces and the National Police, ordered a day of cleaning and disinfection in the homes of people who have tested positive for the virus, which stood at 49 yesterday, in order to contain its expansion.

“For San Francisco de Macorís, we want to request the collaboration of all citizens based on the high level of contamination that we have detected in community circulation. This is going to require that the entire society collaborate with the authorities in the set of prevention and containment measures, “said the doctor, after requesting the collaboration of the municipalities for the notification of travelers who are manifesting symptoms before the health and police authorities. of that demarcation to be evaluated.

The official reported that some 425 people remain in follow-up for having a history of travel to countries with community transmission or having been in contact with confirmed cases and that the Bahoruco, Dajabón, Elías Piña, Montecristi, El Seibo, Pedernales, Peravia and Santiago provinces Rodríguez, are the only ones that, to date, have no records of positive cases. He also assured that all the patients admitted to the Ramón de Lara Military Hospital, at the San Isidro Air Base, are kept in stable conditions and in good spirits, including the Italian patient who was admitted 26 days ago and who will be tested for confirmation to verify if it still remains with the virus.

They will isolate people

Likewise, the official revealed that from now on, people who have maintained close contact with another who has tested positive for the virus, will be isolated in centers authorized by the Government, which are currently available in San Francisco de Macorís, Salcedo, Higuey and the province of Santo Domingo, to avoid possible infection from their families and other people in the community.

They successfully test medicine

He stressed that, so far, some 108 people are admitted to health centers, including Dr. Antonio Cruz Jiminián and the former governor of Santiago, José Izquierdo, both in serious condition and who have been applied Toxilisumab, a drug of high cost used for the treatment of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and thanks to which, both have presented a significant improvement.

The official specified that due to its efficacy, it has been decided that this medication will be used in the treatment of those patients who are in critical condition due to collapse or profuse pulmonary inflammation, without distinction.

He warned that this drug is not available over the counter and is within the High Cost Drug Program of the Ministry of Public Health, so its use is restricted to a series of requirements.

Likewise, he said that the evidences have shown that the application of hydroxychloroquine is also effective for the treatment of the disease, reason why they are acquiring greater quantities in the international market to reinforce the clinical management measures in these cases.

He stressed that yesterday there was no evidence that union leader Virgilio Lebrón died as a result of the coronavirus. He stated that he had other previous chronic processes. However, he said that both his daughter and granddaughter were ordered to be tested to rule out possible infection.

Maintain hygiene and isolation

The official urged the population to respect the curfew decreed by the Government during the state of emergency, which started yesterday at 5:00 in the afternoon, and to maintain hygiene and social distancing measures to prevent the spread of virus in the national territory.

He also recommended people with active respiratory symptoms, such as cough, fever, tiredness, among others, to go to the nearest health center covered with masks, seeking care and the indication of coronavirus tests if needed.

He also urged to cover his mouth and nose with his forearm or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing and not attending crowded places

425 people remain in follow-up for having travel history to countries with community transmission.

The country has about 400 fans and with recent purchases they will reach 700.

The post Nine killed by COVID-19 in San Francisco de Macorís, DR appeared first on Dominican Republic News.