September 21, 2024
Dominican Tourism News Now Available in Mandarin
The online Dominican news magazine will now be available in Mandarin, the official language of the Republic of China. The online publication offers its readers news on Dominican tourism, cultural and economic issues. “This effort reveals the interest of the Dominican Government and the private sector in furthering relations with the Asian giant,” said Quiterio Cedeño, director of the [...]


The online Dominican news magazine will now be available in Mandarin, the official language of the Republic of China. The online publication offers its readers news on Dominican tourism, cultural and economic issues.

“This effort reveals the interest of the Dominican Government and the private sector in furthering relations with the Asian giant,” said Quiterio Cedeño, director of the online magazine, which currently circulates in seven languages (Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese and Russian).

The four-year-old publication provides readers the latest information on the Dominican Republic and, most especially, on the country’s dynamic tourism industry. is sponsored by the country’s Ministry of Tourism.

This past month of March, figures indicate that some one thousand readers visited the website.
2013, it is estimated that approximately half a million visitors from around the world will log on to receive information on the Dominican Republic.